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4 Factors to Consider When Designing a Study Space

Creating an effective study space can help improve the student’s learning and success.  There are many elements to consider including the location and environment.  While every student can individualize their space to match their preferences, goals, and needs, there are several factors to keep in mind when designing a space to study and learn:


Is there appropriate lighting in the study area?  Are the chair and desk the right size and in the right location?  Is there enough space to spread out the learning materials? Is the monitor at the right height?

Limit Distractions

Try moving to an area that is free of noise and traffic.  Turing off your phone and computer can also help (unless they are needed for studying).  This can help build discipline and motivation. Some people might find that they study better with some music in the background.


The student can put up motivating posters or use a whiteboard to make notes or put up motivating quotes.  They can also choose to decorate with colours and pictures that can help them learn better.


It can be helpful to have all the tools you need organized neatly on the table or desk.  This can include paper, pens, markers, and sticky notes.


It is important to personalize the space and make sure that while it is comfortable, you are still able to focus.  Here are some resources that you can look at for more tips about creating a study space that could work for you. 



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